How to Set Up a Document in CorelDRAW Correctly

document setup coreldraw

The most important thing before starting a new design is to make sure you specify the right document settings. CorelDraw is used for both print work (business card, brochures, and posters) and designs for web display. If you chose the wrong color profile, resolution and dimensions, it will mess up with your work and may lead to issues with printing if you are sending the work to the printing press.

After you have launched CorelDraw, Go to New Document and click. A dialog box appears.

Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcut CTRL + N, or use the file icon at the top in the welcome page.
This window pop will appear in the document showing your document profile.

Name:  The default name is "Untitled-1". You can change the name to your choice by clicking inside and editing.
Preset destination:  If you click here, a drop-down menu appears showing different document file formats.  There are RGB, CMYK and Web profiles. You can choose anyone depending on the type of document you are creating. You can delete or save new presets you created. The RGB is for screen display while CMYK is for print jobs.
Size: This setting also has a drop-down menu. There are so many documents presets like A4, A5, Business card, Envelope. If you chose anyone from the presets, CorelDRAW will set up your document with the right settings for your design.

Width and Height: If you have a custom dimension for your design, you can specify the Height and Width here.
Unit: Just beside the Height and Width is the unit. The drop-down menu displays several units such as pixels, inches, points, yards.
Number of Pages: You can specify the number of pages you will work with. You can change this later
Primary Color Mode:  Color mode determines how the colors in your work are printed. CMYK and RGB are the default.
Rendering Resolution: Resolution is the number of dots your printer will display your work with. 300 dpi is suitable for print work while 96 dpi is used for web display

Preview Mode: There are several options here. Enhanced option is the best for optimal image quality

Color Setting: The settings here is necessary to achieve the best print quality and color
Rendering Intent: This deals with converting one color space into another. 
  • Relative colorimetric: The default setting. It is used for logo works and other graphics that require few out of gamut color. It is good for printed works It, however, exclude certain colors. 
  • Absolute colorimetric means that highly identifiable colors are reproduced accurately. They are used for logos and other graphics that require precise color. Its advantage over relative colorimetric is the ability to preserve white points through the conversion
  • Perpetual compresses the entire color range from screen to the printer. it is suitable for bitmap and bitmap images with many out of gamut colors.
  • Saturation: It is less accurate than other settings. It is used for concentrated solid colors in graphs and charts.

After setting your document, a new document is created.

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