Different Types of Logos and When to Use Each Type

different types of logos

Logo is the visual identity of a company. A good logo helps to identify and distinguish a company from other competitors. There must be a solid message behind every logo and it strengthens the vision and mission of the company. Logo is an essential part of the branding alongside the company color, philosophy, uniform and stationery design. A good logo should be much simple and still retain the message behind it.

A good knowledge of the various elements of design such as typography (various features of typography as kerning, alignment, leading), focal point, hierarchy, eye flow (continuation), unity through grids, balance using negative and positive space, use of type faces such as serif, sans serif, and script type faces is necessary in logo design.

There are different types of logos even though they serve the same purpose.  It is now left for you as a designer to know the one that suits the company you are working with and also the choice of your client

This logo form is designed in an abstract form. Usually, the ideas and concept behind the logo are complex, yet are represented in the simplest form possible. The logos are usually graphical illustration and representation of an object example, elephant, tiger, apple, house. The object or symbol have special connection and representation of the company identity and. They can easily be combined with the text.  The abstract symbols can often take on a target market or stylistic form, (technology, health care, or nonprofit, etc). Examples include Twitter, Apple, Firstbank.


An abstract logo is similar to pictorial logo. The main distinction is that abstract logo uses icon that is not illustrated or drawn from a picture or an existing image. It is the most unique form of logo since the idea behind it is from imagination. With good geometrical shape and color choice, you can create an abstract logo. Examples are Shell, Pepsi Cola



The logo involves the use of characters and does not usually involve pictures or symbols. A good knowledge and use of font is necessary for creating an iconic wordmark logo. A unique styled font type is used to write out the company name. This logo type is necessary for new businesses as it sticks to customer's mind. 
It is mostly used by technology companies such Sony, Samsung and Microsoft. Other great examples are Facebook and Google. However, word marks are used in other industries as well and often become iconic in their typographic treatments, such as Coca Cola, Disney. 



This type of logo uses only typographic treatment. The lettermark uses the company name written out, yet has a symbol representing the company through the use of its initials or the brands first letter. Examples of such logos are IBM, CNN, HBO, NASA. This logo is necessary when the name of the company is too long or hard to pronounce. A good knowledge of font and type (serif, sans serif and script) is crucial in creating unique lettermark logos.




It is made of icon or symbol and texts. The icon and texts might be combined together or placed beside the icon. In certain situations and with proper investment of time & money, a strong combination mark can use its symbol to represent the company without the use of text. It is a good logo form for most businesses due to its versatility. Most logos have a version of their logo as a combination mark but are often seen only as a symbol. Examples are Burger King, Adidas, Puma



Emblem logos are usually the choices of Government establishment, churches, agencies and school institutions. The logo form involves the use of type treatment enclosed inside a crest, badge shield or icon. The logo has distinctive style and its classic and vintage style ensures it portrays strength and longevity. The logos also have much details and may not be simple hence they might be difficult to use on business cards.This logo style is used mostly by auto companies. Examples include Nissan, Dell, Starbucks, Volkswagen


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