Photography is closely related to graphic design. Without high-quality images, it will be very difficult for us to communicate and create exciting designs. A good combination of texts, elements, and images are what makes good designs. There are several images on the web. Some of them are very tempting to use, but it is good for a designer to make sure he is not stealing a copyrighted image without permission or purchase. If you do not have money to spend, you can still access free images from several websites that offer free stock images. You can use them for both personal and commercial purposes without a hassle.
With over 1.6 million royalty free stock photos and videos shared by our generous community, Pixabay is one of the best websites to get free stunning images, vector graphics, videos, and illustrations. You can get images in either JPEG or PNG (transparent)
Pexels has a whole lot of catalog of high-quality images and photographs shared by freelancers and professional photographers. They do not have restrictions on the use of these images
- All photos on Pexels can be used for free for commercial and non-commercial use.
- Attribution is not required. Giving credit to the photographer or Pexels is not necessary but always appreciated.
- You can modify the photos. Be creative and edit the photos as you like.
This is a free image sharing website for designers. The images are categorized into collections such as Architecture, Animals, Nature, Food, Technology, Monochrome, Business, Patterns. They are free for personal and commercial use. No attribution required
Unsplash offers free high-resolution images for users. You can download for free and submit your own images too. They also have categories such as Wallpaper, Nature, Textures & Patterns, Architecture, Fashion etc.
Canva is one of the most popular websites for free graphic design materials. They also have free high-quality stock photos. You can browse several image categories as Buildings / Landmarks
Business / Finance, Fashion, Interiors, Nature, Patterns, Abstract, Animals / Wildlife, The Arts
Backgrounds / Textures, Wallpaper.
You can download free stock photos devoid of any copyright infringement from According to the website:
The Creative Commons license that StockSnap uses is the CC0 license. Specifically, that license means you can do any and all of the following:
- Download the image file
- Publish, revise, copy, alter, and share that image
- Use the image (as-is or as you've altered it), in both personal and commercial contexts
Moreover, you can put StockSnap CC0 images to any of these usages without buying the right to do it, acquiring written permission from the image's creator, or attributing the work to the image creator.
They host free images for commercial and website uses. They have exciting image collections and categories such as Fashion, Background, Sky, Office, Business, Abstract, Textures.
A free image sharing website with over 300,000 stock images for both personal and commercial uses. The images are categorized into several collections such as Art and Design, Religion, Textures, and Patterns, Education, Architecture, Automotives etc


Offers free photographs with no copyright issues. You can use them for commercial purposes too.
They offer unique free photos that are handpicked. They are totally free from any copyright for both personal and commercial use
More precisely, Reshot grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Reshot for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Reshot. This license does not include the right to compile photos from Reshot to replicate a similar or competing service.